CC Cyber Academy

The Central Cambria School District takes pride in offering district students a cyber school option, enabling them to graduate with a Central Cambria diploma. Our program provides numerous opportunities and advantages that distinguish it from other cyber programs. For detailed information about the program, please review the CC Cyber Academy Contract.
If you're interested in exploring this option for your child, please complete the Central Cambria Cyber Academy Enrollment Form:
Once you submit the enrollment form, you'll be prompted to schedule a meeting to review the CCCA guidelines, collect an electronic device, and receive the login and course information. After you submit the form please email John Strittmatter to schedule a CC Cyber Meeting. [email protected]
For any questions regarding the Central Cambria Cyber Academy or the online enrollment form, please contact:
Mr. John Strittmatter
Coordinator of Cyber Programming
814-472-8432 ext 4002