for Students » Student Support

Student Support

Central Cambria Student Support


Our team includes caring and qualified school psychologist, nurses, social workers and counselors, as well as mental health service therapists. Also having a approach of a Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS) and a Safe School Team.  We are here to ensure your child is healthy - physically, emotionally, and mentally - so that they can succeed in school. The health and wellness of your child in all of these areas are very important to us. We are here to support your child from kindergarten through to graduation.


Our school psychology and school social work teams are based in the Central Cambria School District and are assigned to schools where they serve the students, families, leaders, and educators.  Our school nurses and professional school counselors are school-based and work alongside our Administration teams to support students and schools.




What's New at CCSD!
Please join us, in a BIG Red Devil Welcome, of our newest CCSD Staff Member, Millie! 
To learn more about Millie and our new CCSD Therapy Dogs program, please visit the link located on this page!