Home Education Program (Homeschool)
Enrollment Information for Central Cambria's Home Education Program
➢ The District Home Education Policy outlines the following requirements before beginning the home education program:
- A notarized Affidavit signed by the Supervisor (the parent/guardian or legal custodian responsible for instruction) of the home education program. Please refer to the Sample Affidavit.
- An outline of proposed educational objectives by subject area.
*Grade-appropriate textbooks are available upon request and should be returned at the end of the school year.
➢ Education requirements:
1.) One hundred eighty (180) days of instruction per year, or:
2.) Elementary Level:
a.) Nine hundred (900) hours of instruction.
b.) Courses include English (include Spelling, Reading, and Writing), Science, Arithmetic, Geography, U.S. and Pennsylvania History, Civics, Safety Education, Health and Physiology, Physical Education, Music, and Art.
c.) Achievement tests are required in Grades 3 and 5.
3.) Secondary Level:
a.) Nine hundred ninety (990) hours of instruction.
b.) Courses include English (include Language), Geography, Social Studies (including Civics, World History, U.S. and Pennsylvania History), Mathematics (Algebra and Geometry), Art, Music, Physical Education, and Health and Safety Education.
c.) Achievement tests are required in Grade 8.
➢ Year-End Evaluation
1. The Supervisor maintains a portfolio of records and materials, including samples of writings, worksheets, or creative materials used or developed by the student.
2. Achievement tests from Grades 3, 5, and 8 must be included in the portfolio and reviewed by the Evaluator.
3. The Evaluator provides a written review of the student’s work.
Refer to Board Policy No. 137 Home Education Programs for procedures if
the Superintendent or designee deems the home education program inadequate.
➢ Continuation of Program
1. The Supervisor files a notarized affidavit annually on August 1.
2. An outline of proposed educational objectives for the upcoming school year should be submitted.
➢ Re-Entry
1. Students entering Central Cambria after attending a home-based program for a period of ninety (90) days or more are evaluated for grade placement. Refer to Policy 137.
- Documentation is to be submitted in person or via mail to Central Cambria School District, Administration Office, ATTN: Mrs. Heather Niebauer, Home Education Coordinator, 208 Schoolhouse Road, Ebensburg, PA 15931.
- Central Cambria School District does not award diplomas or acknowledge completion of a home education student's education.
- Pennsylvania Act 67 of 2005, effective January 1, 2006, permits home-educated students to participate in school district extracurricular activities. Refer to Board Policy No. 137.1 for eligibility criteria.
Affidavit for Elementary School Age Student
Affidavit for Secondary School Age Student
Please note that any affidavit, that meets the law, is acceptable. The use of the sample affidavits are offered but not required.